Society To Heighten Awareness of Women And Children Abuse (SOTHAWACA) consists of a community of men and women dedicated to breaking the circle of abuse and neglect as well as saving and strengthening children and the family in general.


We act as a voice to create awareness by standing up and speaking out against violence.
We would act as a voice to create awareness by STANDING UP and SPEAKING OUT against violence in our midst especially as it affects women and children. Legislative and Policy Advocacy would be of paramount importance to us.


Sothawaca renders dedicated counseling to vulnerable women and children in society.
Sothawaca renders dedicated counseling services so to break the circle of abuse and neglect of vulnerable women and children in the society and the family in general.


All interested volunteers have the opportunity to learn more about Sothawaca programs.
Volunteers have an opportunity to learn more about Sothawaca’s programs and to help us create sustainable change for the people most vulnerable to hunger, violence and disease especially women and children.o.


... Healing, Determination & Survival

Board Team

Oluronke Ojeikere-Ikoroh


HRH Aliyu K. Danesi -Aidonogie 2 of South Ibie


Chief.Dr (Barrister Mrs) Irene Ododo Odaro


Chief (Barrister Mrs) Efe Edo-Osagie Omole


Barrister Mrs Omoni Odion


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Oluronke Ojeikere-Ikoroh

Support our CAUSE.

We have overwhelming Cases of Rape, Defilement and Domestic Violence especially at this time. Help Support our CAUSE. Our Bank Details: Beneficiary: Society to Heighten

Stop Child Abuse. Its Everybody's Business!