We are supporters and volunteers who encompass a diverse range of religious beliefs and perspectives. We render services to children and families who fall under these categories. We welcome and encourage anyone who wants to make life better for all those who fall within our scope. We would encourage victims/survivors to tell their stories without scarring them. The Foundation shall be Non-Partisan and Non-Sectarian in class or creed.

"> Our Mission
Society To Heighten Awareness of Women And Children Abuse (SOTHAWACA) consists of a community of men and women dedicated to breaking the circle of abuse and neglect as well as saving and strengthening children and the family in general.
"> Our Vision
To have an informative and empowering set-up where everyone can be comfortable. A place to develop understanding and supportive friendships with other people who know the roller coaster that sexual and emotional abuse can cause. Our desire to support victims and survivors come directly from our hearts with no strings attached. We are determined to provide another resource to those who come to us looking for it.
SOTHAWACA would like to be affiliated and partner with your Foundation or with anyone who shares in our vision and would join in championing our noble cause to ensure that appropriate measures and interventions are provided to STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE.